Looking for ways to inspire creativity?

You’ve come to the right place.
Here at Keeping Creativity Alive we are all about putting supporting and inspiring parents, caregivers and early childhood educators to cultivate the creative gifts inherent in all children. This begins with first recognizing the value of creative thinking and the belief that we are all born creative. Yes! We are all creative! And, Yes! Creativity can be developed – it is one of the most important skills in life!

In this section you will find three areas of inspiration:

Creative spaces: Beautiful and thoughtful creative spaces to inspire you to consider opportunities to create a special space to create in your home.

Creative kids: A celebration of creative achievements through big smiles and happy hearts to remind us of the joy in creating and encouraging what this is all about – building creative confidence!

Creative activities: Inspiration for developing creativity skills are provided through both activity ideas and a collection of children’s storybooks that highlight various creativity thinking and/or skills.

Grab a tea, get comfortable and enjoy, stay awhile and enjoy the resources available to develop creativity…



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