The #1 material of choice in our house…
It’s fascinating, really, discovering what children will do with materials when left to their own devices. The other day, for example, as we were preparing dinner V ran through the kitchen with wings taped to her arms declaring ‘I can fly! I can fly!’ Which led me to think ‘wow.. all kids really need is their imaginations… and TAPE!?’
So here it is, the Top 3 reasons tape is awesome for kids:
- It’s accessible. Get a roll of tape and a dispenser and they’re off! (The dispenser is key for breaking off pieces of tape with reduced frustration, not to mention avoiding the challenge of having to find the end!)
- It’s not as messy as glue. ‘Nough said.
- It’s an instant adhesive – no dry time! Make sure to teach them the roll tape trick!
This then led me to think of all the other times tape was the #1 material of choice and…
Our top 10 uses for tape:
- You can tape tissue to your arms and have instant wings!
As I was taking this photo.. V says “That thing used to be broken but I fixed it.” Ha! LOL
- You can stick things on the wall.
- You can create your own art gallery.
- You can make stuff stick together instantly when glue doesn’t work.
- You can make diamond rings!
- You can make crafts in an instant.
- YOu can tape a tail to your bottom (or your sister’s bottom) and pretend your an animal of your choice.
- You can tape signs to your door – or anywhere really to get a message out there, or for when the tooth fairy forgets!
- Your ideas here!!
Do your children love tape? Please tell me your kids do crazy things with tape too!? Please do share in the comments!