Possibility Thinking Starts Young

Creativity is learned. It just needs to be practiced. What are some activities you can do with your children to encourage creative thinking? Last fall I worked with my daughter’s kindergarten class to practice divergent thinking and coming up with new and imaginative ideas. I presented them with an object – a stick. Then asked “What is this?” […]

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Possibility Thinking Starts Young

Creativity is learned. It just needs to be practiced.

December 15, 2024/by Lina

Divergent Thinking with Preschoolers

Divergent thinking: a thought process or method used to generate…
November 9, 2016/by Lina

Think Big [Book Review]

What do you do when your child says 'I'm bored'? If you're like…
October 21, 2016/by Lina

Makerspace 101 Guide

Have you heard of Makerspaces? They are certainly gaining…
October 12, 2016/by Lina

My Book of Ideas!

My 'Book of Ideas'!
With all of the submissions of the Book…
January 6, 2016/by Lina

Introducing… The ‘Book of Ideas’ Project!

The 'Book of Ideas' Project gives kids an outlet for their…
January 5, 2016/by Lina

New website COMING SOON!

Thank you for visiting! This website is undergoing some BIG changes.…
October 11, 2015/by Lina

What it takes to Keep Creativity Alive

I've been thinking a great deal about this blog and what it means…
August 20, 2013/by Lina

Video: Creativity and Education: Exploring Today’s Disconnect

A documentary inspired by the Newsweek…
July 16, 2013/by Lina

Get out of their way!

July 1, 2013/by Lina

Embrace the Shake
"Embracing a limitation…
June 2, 2013/by Lina

Child-Led Solar System Exploration

I've been greatly influenced by both Montessori and Reggio Emilia…
May 8, 2013/by Lina

A Glimpse into the Future of Education: The Khan Academy

While watching the CBC News tonight I saw this feature on Sal…
May 6, 2013/by Lina

It’s Music Monday!

May 6, 2013/by Lina

A Celebration of Music from Earth to Space and Back!

May 5, 2013/by Lina

A Purposeful Online Game Experience – Quandary

May 2, 2013/by Lina

One of the best things you can do for your kids…


Sometimes it's true, it's best to do nothing.…
April 26, 2013/by Lina

420 Characters: A Celebration of Creative Writing

Did you write short stories as a child? Do you write them anymore?…
April 24, 2013/by Lina

The best way to teach creativity?

I'm all about options…
April 22, 2013/by Lina

Video: Thoughts on the Creative Career

April 20, 2013/by Lina

Creativity Week Day 1: Divergent Thinking

With World Creativity & Innovation week upon us I've…
April 15, 2013/by Lina

Building Self Awareness and Confidence

Through my contemplations about what it means to be creative…
April 10, 2013/by Lina

A Celebration of Artful Memories!

Thank you to everyone who entered The Artful Parent book…
April 9, 2013/by Lina

The Artful Parent Book Review + Giveaway!

Welcome to the Canadian stop of The Artful Parent Book Blog…
April 5, 2013/by Lina

The Artful Parent Book Giveaway!

I'm so excited to share that I have a copy of the yet to be released…
April 2, 2013/by Lina

The #1 material of choice in our house…

It's fascinating, really, discovering what children will…
March 20, 2013/by Lina

What would you do… Part 2

Today's Super Soul Sunday's Big Question: "What would you do…
March 17, 2013/by Lina

Field Trip : Hamilton Children’s Museum

Inspired by the Children's Creativity Museum in San Francisco,…
March 15, 2013/by Lina

Video: The Importance of Creativity

March 14, 2013/by Lina

Don’t correct! …Oops, did I just correct you?

Like all parents in this world, I'm learning as I go along.…
March 8, 2013/by Lina

Play Dough Creations!

If you make it they will come. And who knows what they will…
March 7, 2013/by Lina

One of a Kind Show & Sale

I went to the One of a Kind Show & Sale in Toronto today!…
November 28, 2012/by Lina

Open-ended Art

We've been all about open-ended art up until a recent trip…
November 27, 2012/by Lina

Maybe Tomorrow

Much like The Little Boy Story, this totally breaks my heart:

November 27, 2012/by Lina

I am an ARTIST… video

November 15, 2012/by Lina

Reading Aloud

We all know how important it is to read to our children.…
November 13, 2012/by Lina

Douglas Thomas on a New Culture of Learning

I seem to be attracting…
November 12, 2012/by Lina

A Space to Create

When you hear about creativity, you hear a lot about creating…
November 7, 2012/by Lina

Letterpress Love

In my last post I divulged my weakness for pretty much any…
November 5, 2012/by Lina

Creative Obsessions

I know I'm not the only creatively obsessed person out there,…
October 24, 2012/by Lina

David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence

I'll admit I have…
October 14, 2012/by Lina

What’s Your Manifesto?

Manifestos completely inspire me. Carefully thought through and…
October 9, 2012/by Lina

Giving Thanks

We spent most of this past weekend at our family cottage…
October 8, 2012/by Lina

The Global Cardboard Challenge

Caine's Arcade is an absolute…
October 6, 2012/by Lina

Creating Innovators
Creating Innovators. The Making of…
June 24, 2012/by Lina

Books That Inspire

Do yo ever get into a trance like state as you walk through certain…
May 3, 2012/by Lina

Makedo Project 1

The possibilities are really endless with these cardboard connectors!…
March 15, 2012/by Lina

Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2012/by Lina

Creative Parenting

This Daily Groove is just what I needed to read on this Monday…
February 13, 2012/by Lina

Make Do – Yes Please!

January 24, 2012/by Lina

8 Ways to Stay Creative

Here's another - the web designer's version designed as Desktop…
January 17, 2012/by Lina

Ways to Stay Creative

Love this list and love the design even more.  Feeling insp…
January 16, 2012/by Lina

Day Dreaming and Free Play

I'm taking some time this weekend reflecting on how we'll…
January 15, 2012/by Lina

The Joy of Books

There's nothing quite like a real book.

January 11, 2012/by Lina

DIY – Personalized Towels

This little project was inspired by my two little girls and…
December 28, 2011/by Lina

Early Childhood Development – Dr. Fraser Mustard

"The first six years of life set the stage for lifelong learning,…
November 25, 2011/by Lina

Hallowe’en Jack-o’-lantern Inspiration!

Hallowe'en was a blast! I want to share a bit of inspiration…
November 2, 2011/by Lina

Imagination vs. Reality

I drafted this post several months ago when Violet was just…
October 19, 2011/by Lina

Peter Catalonotto

Just a follow up to my last post...

Love this statement Peter…
September 16, 2011/by Lina

Book Review 005: Emily’s Art

Evaluating art is a dicey topic - particularly in relation…
September 16, 2011/by Lina

A New Start

Last year I was inspired and inspired to document my little girl's…
September 7, 2011/by Lina

Driveway Art

There's something very freeing about drawing with sidewalk…
June 9, 2011/by Lina

Big Sister Bracelets

I've been dying to post about this but didn't since we didn't…
April 2, 2011/by Lina


Baby Evelyn!

Baby #2 (as she was formerly known) arrived…
April 2, 2011/by Lina

The Importance of Free Play

A lot of research and articles exist talking about the value…
March 2, 2011/by Lina

The Hundred Languages of Children – Poem

In all of my reading and research of teaching and learning…
January 18, 2011/by Lina

Through a Child’s Eyes

Ever have those moments when you think you see something…
December 14, 2010/by Lina

Holiday Craft Exchange and Playdate

This is truly a brilliant idea. I can't take credit but I've…
December 7, 2010/by Lina

Games of the Early 1800s

"Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind…
October 14, 2010/by Lina

Mila’s Daydreams

This is one of those "I wish I had thought of that!" creative…
September 25, 2010/by Lina

Toddler Repetition Compulsion

Notice how kids can do certain things over and over and over…
September 23, 2010/by Lina

Book: Theories of Development

I'm just about to crack open this book, called Theories of…
September 16, 2010/by Lina

Art In The Park ~ Painting In The Park

Well, I have to say our first Art Group experience was a…
August 14, 2010/by Lina

Eye Spy…

Have you ever wondered what to do with all of the stuff…
August 13, 2010/by Lina

Art In The Park ~ Art Group Take 1

I'm very excited! I've organized an art group that is meeting…
August 13, 2010/by Lina

The Daily Groove ~ Creative Parenting

I subscribe to an online newsletter called The Daily Groove…
August 11, 2010/by Lina

Let’s get creative shall we?

This blog has been in the making in my mind for the last 2 years.…
July 6, 2010/by Lina
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