Entries by Lina

Get out of their way!

“Kids are born curious. Period…. If you’re a child, you are curious about your environment. You’re overturning rocks. You’re plucking leaves off of trees and petals off of flowers, looking inside, and you’re doing things that create disorder in the lives of the adults around you.   And so then so what do adults do? […]

Embrace the Shake

“Embracing a limitation can actually drive creativity.” “Could you become more creative by looking for limitations?” “We need at first to be limited to be limitless.”   This is a really cool talk on so many levels. Phil Hansen talks about the art making process, breaking through a creative slump, and embracing the shake and […]

Child-Led Solar System Exploration

I’ve been greatly influenced by both Montessori and Reggio Emilia philosophies in which we are encouraged to “follow the child” and explore using “the hundred languages of children“. This is where this next exploration came from: V’s interest in working on a project and exploring it through different materials. A few weeks ago V was telling […]

It’s Music Monday!

This is where you can watch the simultaneous space to earth concert for Music Monday. So excited. What a great way to draw attention and excitement toward something so important: the importance of music in our schools and in our communities.  

A Celebration of Music from Earth to Space and Back!

Have you seen this music video?  I didn’t quite understand at first that this was truly a live performance from space even though they show the guitar pick floating from weightlessness! This video published earlier this year features the first space-to-earth musical collaboration with Chris Hadfield, commander of the International Space Station, singing along with […]

One of the best things you can do for your kids…

Nothing. Sometimes it’s true, it’s best to do nothing. Don’t plan a play date, don’t set up an activity or schedule an outing.  Scheduling free time for unstructured play is one of the best things you can do. The beauty of allowing free time for unstructured play for your children is you never know what […]